Results of recent studies have revived the controversy over circumcision in infants. The U.S. leads the way in holding to this practice, although in the past decade or so, the surgical procedure has declined. A 1999 survey of hospital records found circumcision rates varying widely by region — 81% in the Midwest, 66% in the Northeast, 64% in the South and 37% in the West.SOMA - CARISOPRODOL ,
In Europe, Asia, and Latin America, baby boys are not routinely circumcised, however Jewish and Muslim faiths traditionally subscribe to circumcision. Recent international studies have cast new light on the subject.NEURONTINE Two trials held in Africa involving more than 7,500 men were stopped early because results showed that circumcised adult males had a 51% to 60% lower rate of contracting HIV, the AIDS virus, than their uncircumcised counterparts.
Researchers believe that the warm, moist area under foreskins of uncircumcised men can breed infections. Lifestyle and personal cleaning habits may have more impact on health, however, than the surgical removal of foreskin. In some areas of the world, clean water and soap may not be widely available, and in these areas, circumcision may make sense.
Doctors in the U.S. are split in their opinions on the potential benefits of circumcision. Those opposed believe that circumcision does unnecessary violence to the infant’s genitals, and that the decision should be left to the male in adulthood. Furthermore, they believe that removing a baby boy’s foreskin might diminish his sexual pleasure when he becomes sexually active.
Doctors who favor the procedure point out that studies over the years have shown circumcised males to have lower rates of urinary tract infections, penile cancer (a rare condition), and a variety of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Circumcised baby boys have fewer urinary tract infections and possibly other problems, but these can be treated with antibiotics or other strategies if needed.SONATA-ZALEPLON
Tradition,KLONOPIN-RIVOTRIL religion and philosophical beliefs will continue to be factors involved in the emotional choice involving circumcision. In the final analysis, it is up to the parents, guided by information from their baby’s doctor, to make the decision.
Whatever parents decide for their newborn sons will probably be fine, as there appear to be advantages and disadvantages either way. When in doubt, why not leave the penis intact and let the individual decide as an adult?
Source:Â MSNBC
2 comments March 5th, 2007
Herpes Virus May Cause More Susceptibility to Alzheimer’s
Researchers are trying to determine whether the virus that causes cold sores can somehow play a role in bringing on Alzheimer’s disease in later years. A study published recently in the journal Neurobiology of Aging is looking at interaction between the ApoE-4 gene and herpes as a risk factor for the brain-robbing disease.
According to one researcher at the University of Manchester, Alzheimer’s patients who have the ApoE-4 form of the gene contain more herpes DNA in brain regions than others without that version of the gene. The team found that the herpes virus infiltrates brain cells and is associated with cellular tangles and amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s patients.KLONOPIN-RIVOTRIL
The oral herpes virus (herpes simplex 1), known to infect 80% of Americans, hides in the body’s nerves in its predominately latent phase. An outbreak is rarely triggered by factors such as stress, fatigue, or sunlight. HPV1 then becomes active, damaging cells and causing cold sores.
Scientists have long known that the ApoE-4 gene is a player in Alzheimer’s, but the idea that it can work in concert with the herpes virus is new. A group at the University of Rochester Medical Center recently found that this particular gene causes a fertile environment for herpes in the brain.VERELAN
One theory is that the body’s immune response against herpes somehow damages the brain. The damage can be worse in those with the ApoE-4 copy of the gene than in those with another form of the gene, such as ApoE-2 or ApoE-3. No research is conclusive at this point.
In 2006, the Manchester research team published a study that showed inflammation to be the earliest change detected in a brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease, before the hallmark plaques or tangles appear and long before any behavioral changes are seen. Such inflammation can be a byproduct of the body’s immune system fighting an infection.
Much research is being conducted in the field of Alzheimer’s Disease. It is hoped that one day it may be prevented, especially if treatment begins in the early stages before symptoms become obvious.
Source:Â Medical News TODAYÂ
Add comment January 27th, 2007
HIV Testing May Become Routine for Americans
HIV testing may become routine for Americans between the ages of 13 to 64. Nearly half of HIV infections are found in patients who are unaware they have the virus.
About 250,000 Americans have AIDS but don’t know it. These individuals need prompt medical care in order to control the virus and to help prevent its spread to others. Life-extending therapies now available are most effective when treatment is begun early in the disease.VERELAN Generic - 80 MG X 90
The Center for Disease Control is recommending that HIV testing become part of a routine physical. This recommendation is not binding legally, and all doctors and health insurers may not embrace this policy.
If implemented, more expense would be involved for testing, counseling, and revising consent procedures. Standard tests vary between $2.50 and $8 a test. The new rapid test costs about $15, but follow-up tests to confirm the diagnosis could cost another $50 or more. In this country, treatment for HIV can cost more than $10,000 a year.
It might be difficult to carry out recommended routine testing for these age groups. The most sensible strategy would be to test for the AIDS virus when doing blood work for other conditions or during Emergency visits. The CDC suggests that everyone be tested at least once, and that an annual test should be given to persons in high-risk groups.
If this policy is fully implemented, testing could be administered to between 100 to 200 million Americans. The American Medical Association endorses the proposal and urges doctors to comply.
Patients could decline the testing. Physicians are urged to offer their patients the opportunity to have anonymous testing and allow them to choose the site where they want to be tested.
If the recommendation becomes public policy, an added burden will be placed on public health programs that pay for this type of care. Additional funding would be needed. The benefits of getting early care for HIV or AIDS and helping to control its spread should justify the increased cost.
Technorati Tags: AIDS, STD, HIV
Add comment October 27th, 2006
Condoms Offer Effective Protection for HPV
A three-year study of 82 women volunteers, initially virgins, at the University of Washington showed that after becoming sexually active, they reduced their chances of contracting human papilloma virus (HPV) by 70% when partners always used a condom.
Women in the study kept journals of their sexual practices and were checked for HPV every four months with swabs of the cervix and other genital areas. They noted whether there was any genital contact before using the condom.
HPV can cause cervical cancer, genital warts
, vaginal, vulvar, anal and penile cancers. It is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD), infecting about 80% of young women within five years after becoming sexually active. HPV is frequently killed by the immune system, but in some women, the virus causes lesions that can become cancerous.
Worldwide, about 500,000 develop cervical cancer and nearly 300,000 die of it annually. In the U.S., some 3,500 women die of it each year.
Known to prevent AIDS and pregnancy, condoms are recently found to give significant protection against HPV, as well. Their use can also provide protection against gonorrhea, Chlamydia and herpes in men and women.CIALIS GENERIC
In early June, the U.S. government approved the first vaccine against HPV. If given to young women before they become sexually active, it could p
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